Olde Good Things

1800 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, California 90015 [View Map]
Fri9:00 AM - 6:00 PMOpen now
Business Hours [View Weekly]

2 years ago


ID: 516

0 Reviews

Payment Options
Wheel Chair Accessible
On Street


Our story goes back to 1995, to the 26th St Chelsea Antique Market, where we started out with a small flea market space. Today Olde Good Things has evolved to become one of the largest architectural antique dealers in the country. Our four stores and two warehouses contain an impressive inventory of olde good things, more than 250,000 square feet of merchandise.

Our inventory is sourced largely from pre-depression and late nineteenth century buildings. We salvage these original precious items to make them available to collectors and designers who can put them to good use.

We began by "dumpster diving" and finding unique architectural items in the trash. As we grew we began working with demolition contractors and became known and our salvage crew was able to retrieve artifacts from notable buildings such as the Flat Iron Building, the New York Times Building, the Plaza Hotel and many more renowned locations.

Events / Offers

Future events will appear here...

Business Hours

Fri9:00 AM -6:00 PMOpen now
Sat9:00 AM -6:00 PM
Sun10:00 AM -6:00 PM
Mon9:00 AM -6:00 PM
Tue9:00 AM -6:00 PM
Wed9:00 AM -6:00 PM
Thu9:00 AM -6:00 PM
Updated: March 30, 2024 Suggest new hours

Contact / Socials

Name: Olde Good Things
Phone: 213-746-8600
Email: Send Mail
Updated: 18 - Nov - 2021

Quick Links


Overall Rating

0 stars

0 Reviews

    Location / Map

    1800 S Grand Ave
    Los Angeles, California 90015
    [Get Directions | Olde Good Things]

    Questions and Answers (FAQs)

    Can I pay for my purchases with a credit card?

    Sorry, currently we don't accept credit card at Olde Good Things.

    What type of parking is available at your antique-store?

    We offer On Street parking for our customers.

    How many booths/vendors are there in Olde Good Things?

    There are 250000 booths/vendors in Olde Good Things.

    How big is Olde Good Things?

    Olde Good Things spans across 5000 of space and hosts 250000 booths/vendors.

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