Old Store Antiques

327 Coolspring Rd
Coolspring, Pennsylvania 15730 [View Map]
Business Hours [View Weekly]

11 months ago


ID: 2857

6 Reviews

Payment Options
Wheel Chair Accessible
Parking Lot


  • Name: Old Store Antiques

  • Address: 327 Coolspring Rd, Coolspring, PA 15730

  • Description: Old Store Antiques is a charming antique store located at 327 Coolspring Rd, Coolspring, PA 15730.

  • Visitors to the area find Old Store Antiques to be a nice addition to the local antique scene.

  • Customers who have previously visited the store express their love for it, appreciating the well-displayed items and the cleanliness of the store.

  • The owner of Old Store Antiques is known for being very helpful and knowledgeable, providing assistance to customers in their search for unique treasures.

  • Some customers have encountered issues with inconsistent opening hours, which led to disappointment and inconvenience. It is recommended to verify the store's operating hours before planning a visit.

  • Despite occasional inconsistencies, those who have had the opportunity to explore Old Store Antiques speak highly of their experience, praising the owner's warmth, knowledge, and love for antiques.

  • The store's well-decorated and clean environment creates an inviting ambiance, inspiring customers and sparking their creativity with countless ideas.

  • If you're in search of a lovely, well-maintained antique store with a friendly owner and beautifully displayed items, Old Store Antiques is highly recommended.

Please note that the information provided is based on the reviews, and the actual experience may vary.

Events / Offers

Future events will appear here...

Business Hours

Mon:7:00 PM -7:00 PM
Tue:7:00 PM -7:00 PM
Thu:7:00 PM -7:00 PM
Fri:7:00 PM -7:00 PM
Sat:7:00 PM -7:00 PM
Sun:7:00 PM -7:00 PM
Updated: Suggest new hours

Contact / Socials

Name: Old Store Antiques
Phone: 814-849-2228
Email: Send Mail
Updated: 12 - May - 2023

Quick Links


Overall Rating

3.8 stars

6 Reviews

  • 3 reviews
  • 1 reviews
  • 2 reviews

andrea fleury

Very cute shop. I found afew very cute treasures and the owner was very sweet and personable.

Roxann Mckee

What a lovely antique store, items were nicely displayed and very clean. The owner was a real sweetheart and she seemed very knowledgeable. She and another lady shared many stories about the area and they showed a great deal of love for antiques. I would difinitley recommend this place. I got so many ideas from her. I would say a 5 star is not enough for this store. I have never been in a antique store so nicely decorated and CLEAN.

Michelle Bowser

Must be closed for good. But website still says they are open.


Bought a beautiful thread/jewelry chest here. Great Antique shop. Owner is very helpful.

Karla A.

Love the store, we have been here before. Two stars because we checked to see if was open and drove 1 hour to get there and it was closed. Not a fan of businesses that don't keep their information on the web up to date. Waste of time and gas.

dave kersave

Nice for the area

Location / Map

327 Coolspring Rd
Coolspring, Pennsylvania 15730
[Get Directions | Old Store Antiques]

Questions and Answers (FAQs)

Can I pay for my purchases with a credit card?

Sorry, currently we don't accept credit card at Old Store Antiques.

What type of parking is available at your antique-store?

We offer Parking Lot parking for our customers.

How many booths/vendors are there in Old Store Antiques?

There are booths/vendors in Old Store Antiques.

How big is Old Store Antiques?

Old Store Antiques spans across of space and hosts booths/vendors.
